Career Guidance

Professions at risk of becoming obsolete in 10 years

The development of new technologies and automation of processes directly affect the supply and demand of the labor market, and some professions are gradually losing their relevance.

In my opinion, in the next decade the need for the following specialists will disappear:

  • Accountant. There are programs that can do accounting and bookkeeping, so many businessmen already do without accountants.
  • Librarian. Traditional libraries are giving way to electronic libraries. It’s quite possible that automated catalogs will replace book depositories.
  • Travel agent. Now it is possible to choose an appropriate tour without leaving home, therefore with the given work online-services on selection of variants for rest will excellently cope.
  • A bank teller. You may have noticed for yourself that you are much less likely to ask for help at the bank to the teller. Mobile applications and terminals make our lives much easier.
  • Guide. Yes, many people today refuse paid guided tours in favor of apps, where you can listen to the history of any museum or other attraction in the language you want.
  • Lawyer, notary public. Here the artificial intelligence will take over the business, which will easily find an answer to any question of the client, based on the legal framework, as well as check the authenticity of the document. Please note, we are not talking about the specialists, who defend the rights in court – this direction will be actual for a long time yet.
  • Ticketmaster. This profession risks to go down in history much earlier than in 10 years. Already now you can buy almost any ticket online, which is faster, more convenient and easier.
  • Cashier. Today, some stores have begun to practice self-service: the buyer himself punching his goods and paying by card through a terminal.
  • Driver. Unmanned vehicles capable of replacing humans are already being released to the market, but there is a growing demand for engineers to build them.

Some of the professions listed risk disappearing altogether, and some will modernize and continue to exist. In any case, 10 years is a lifetime for a profession, so if you really want to try your hand at any of them, go for it!

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