
It’s a pleasure to welcome you to my blog! My name is Blanche Brown and I am a career consultant and coach. I have been in the HR field for over 8 years and have experience as an HR Director.

Before HR direction I worked in Retail in Operations and Sales. I am familiar with B&B and B&C segments. I know how major business processes work in practice.

Conducted a great number of interviews over the years. Closed top level and office staff positions, so I know:

  • how to properly search for a job so that the search process is effective;
  • market requirements, the cost of specialists and employers’ expectations;
  • What competencies and skills one should have in order to pass the interview and get the long-awaited offer;
  • What a good resume and cover letter should contain;
  • What questions at a job interview should be answered correctly in order to have a successful interview;
  • How to prepare an effective self-presentation, in order to stand out from the other candidates;
  • how to get rid of fear and uncertainty.

In addition, I help in forming a job search strategy from the question of “I do not know what I want to do?” to the choice of company. I model future interviews, analyze and recommend the right search channels. Assist in setting up a LinkedIn and other social media profile, which greatly speeds up the job search.

In my HRD role, I worked with T&D areas: led the training and staff development processes with further career promotions. Therefore, I know how to create an individual development plan for future career development within the organization and career program – for effective career management and professional development in the external market.