Career Guidance

7 Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing a Specialty

There is no doubt that choosing a specialty is an important decision in any student’s academic career. It has a direct impact on future professional career goals. Some people know what they want to do as early as kindergarten. Some of us need a little help making the best choice. There are several reasons why you want to get this right. Choosing a specialty means that you are going to stick to a course of study for a number of years. Since you will be investing both time and money, making the right choice is vital. As such, we have set out 7 questions that you can use to guide your decision-making when choosing a specialty. They are designed to reveal your true desires and what specialty would be a good fit.


1. What career path am I passionate about?

Academic study is challenging and requires an enormous amount of commitment. So you need to really love what you’re studying and the career that you will someday have because of it. So on the days, you feel unmotivated you can be fueled by your passion to keep going. It will help you push through the long nights, strenuous exams, projects, and theses. Choosing a specialty that you are passionate about will help you stay the course despite the rigors of academia.

2. What are my interests?

For this part, it may help to grab a pen and pad. Writing things down always brings clarity to decision-making. Your interests will be the fields of study or careers that get you excited to learn more. You can see yourself devouring the material or performing in your profession. It is often the first thing that comes to mind when you ask yourself this question.

3. Is this my dream or someone else’s?

This is an extremely important question because sometimes we have been conditioned into choosing a particular career path. This often happens when parents project their hopes and dreams onto their children. Or they have a long tradition of choosing a particular career path.

“All the men in my family, have chosen careers in law enforcement.”

Sometimes, parents have businesses that they hope that their children may take over one day. All of this can exert a tremendous amount of pressure. Since we do not want to disappoint our loved ones. However, choosing a specialty is a personal decision. As it directly affects your future.

4. What will day-to-day on the job look like?

It is easy to get fixated on achieving academic qualifications. However, it is a means to an end. This is where you will be spending 8 or more hours of your day. If your career means you will be in an office all day, you have to be comfortable with that. Sometimes there are opportunities like internships that give insight into your future career. Speaking to professionals in the field to get their opinion may also help you decide.

5. Does my specialty suit my personality?

If you are an introvert, choosing a specialty that leads to a career where you will be making presentations regularly may cause you considerable anxiety. If you are an extrovert and strive on making friends and having human interactions, a field that keeps you locked away with your data may not be a good fit.

6. Is money my major motivator?

We all need money to live. However, it goes without saying that certain careers have high earning potential while others are less competitive. You should know if your specialty and subsequent career can support your lifestyle.

7. Is work-life balance important to you?

More and more people are opting for fields of study that allow them to have lives outside of their careers. Some careers like medicine require many years of study and long harrowing shifts. Other jobs often involve taking work home to meet targets. If you have a family or other life goals, you may need to choose a specialty that is less demanding.

As you can see choosing a specialty requires you to weigh different factors. If you ask yourself these 7 questions, you will have a clearer picture of what your career goals are. We hope choosing a specialty has become a bit easier.

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